Six Brothers Disaster Relief is always looking for more volunteers to assist us during a future disaster response trip.
If you would like to be involved in one of these trips, there are some things that you should know.

First, we are unable to assume any liability for your physical safety and well-being. We certainly take precautions to keep everyone as safe as possible, but working in a disaster relief capacity is inherently dangerous and anyone who volunteers with us need to be aware of these risks and sign a liability release prior to accompanying us.

Second, it’s not always possible to give you an exact schedule of how long we’ll be in a disaster relief zone following a storm. Sometimes, as was the case with Hurricane Florence, we get cut off by rising flood waters and couldn’t leave the affected area if we wanted to. Similarly, airports, rental cars, and other modes of transportation are not dependable in the days following a natural disaster. So please keep a flexible schedule if you want to join us as we can’t pinpoint our departure schedule.

Third, understand that while we do ask what sort of experience and skill sets you possess in the context of helping out in a disaster relief capacity, virtually anyone with regular physical abilities can help out following a natural disaster as there are dozens of way to help at a disaster scene. So please don’t let your lack of experience keep you from joining us.

Fourth, to maximize our efficiency on the ground as well as the safety of the team, all volunteers must understand and agree to follow the instructions of the team leader during a disaster relief trip for as long as you are with us.